Health Bill to be shoved down Americas’ throat! Sunday, Feb 28 2010 

Honorable Sen. Cao,

I know you support a large population of constituents who would benefit from a Health Care bill but I urge you to tread with caution.  This Bill if not scrapped and started from scratch will in no way meet the real needs of the un-insured or under insured.

I am currently un-insured myself and am strongly against it, as it does nothing to promote the American way of life as intended by our founding fathers.

We first need to correct the issues with the three current Federal Medical Systems that have failed to provide service as promised and has a large portion going to waste and fraud.

                VA Medical System fails thousands of qualified Veterans due to the change requiring veterans to meet low economical standards to qualify.  This is/was a promise of lifetime of health coverage for all honorably discharged veterans.

                Worse yet is that even if one qualifies, one gets substandard care!

                Next up is Medicare & Medicare which more Americans would qualify for if reasonable standards were met, based on not just income, but total situation such as cost of living in a particular area and changes such as loss of income due to disability.

                Most have to fight to get the Social Security Administration to admit that they are disabled.  Then you have to wait two more years before being allowed to even apply for Medicare.

None of the trillion dollar deficit programs have worked in the past, none of the current medical systems work now!   So why do you think this one will be different.

The Democrats appreciate your help, but even Melancon was smart enough not to vote for it and won’t.  Ms Landrieu is counting on her “Louisiana Purchase” to persuade voter to re-elect her.

Bad decision, as Tea Party Membership in Louisiana is growing fast and her type of politics is a thing of the past.  We want what’s right for the country, and our state, not just how much pork one can bring back.  Over paying taxes, i.e. paying for a pie and getting a piece is so yesteryear.

Tea Party 2010 – Their Words Come Back to Haunt Them Saturday, Feb 27 2010 

Tea Party 2010: Their Words Come Back to Haunt Them 

Dear Patriots,
In this correspondence, there’s really not much I need to say.  Our elected officials do the talking for themselves.
As you know, the Democrats have been incapable of securing enough votes to pass a common bill on health care reform in both the House and Senate.  Consequently, in a last ditch effort to get something passed, they are discussing moving forward with a process that is normally reserved for budgetary matters.  That process is called reconciliation and it bypasses the ability of the minority party in the Senate to use the filibuster technique to block legislation.
In 2005, the Republicans controlled the legislature and wanted to use reconciliation to pass legislation.  Now, trust me, I absolutely know there is hypocrisy on both sides of the political aisle, but see for yourself what the Democrats said about the reconciliation process (also called the nuclear option) back then:
They are so frustrated at their inability to pass their version of health care reform that they are now willing to use a procedure they once condemned “as the end of democracy.”  And they want us to trust them !!!!!  This should be played on a continuous loop on every network.
Best regards,
Dr. Glenn C. Dubroc, Jr.

States confirming the Second Amendment Right of the People…some are only for political postering… Monday, Feb 22 2010 

A recent opinion by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg suggests that “bear arms” continues to encompass carrying guns for diverse purposes.[13] Analyzing the statutory phrase “carries a firearm,” she wrote:

Surely a most familiar meaning is, as the Constitution’s Second Amendment (“keep and bear Arms”) and Black’s Law Dictionary indicate, “wear, bear, or carry…upon the person or in the clothing or in a pocket, for the purpose…of being armed and ready for offensive or defense action in case of a conflict with another person.”[14] 

States confirming the Second Amendment Right of the People…

Since 1963, the people of Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin have chosen, either through their legislature or through a direct vote, to add a right to arms to their state constitution, to re-adopt the right to arms, or to strengthen an existing right.

In every state where the people have had the opportunity to vote directly, they have voted for the right to arms by overwhelming margins.


for political postering?

“The right of each citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be abridged, but this provision shall not prevent the passage of laws to prohibit the carrying of weapons concealed on the person.” [96]

Louisiana is one of many states to use language almost identical to the Second Amendment, while including an explicit provision to allow regulation of the carrying of concealed weapons. [97]

These arms-carrying restrictions show that Second Amendment language was understood to include ordinary citizens walking around with firearms for personal protection or hunting.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~My Comments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I applaud the states legislatures that have taken action to reaffirm the People’s right to keep and bear arms, but I disagree that our country’s founders intended the states to have the authority to place restrictions on the people, when they so clearly and explicitly stated “..shall not be infringed”

Unfortunately some …such as my home state of Louisiana as shown above. The “explicit provision to allow regulation of the carrying of a concealed weapon” is a direct violation of the Second Amendment.

“…shall not be infringed.” It is beyond me that a government that rightfully supports the Second Amendment can so carelessly cast aside a very clear, important and undeniable aspect!   To me it shows that in is not the rights of the people they are attempting to protect while touting the Second Amendment as the peoples right, but a case of protecting their reelections.

As such I have made it my personal ambition to see that our constitutional rights are fully restored, Starting with Louisiana and eventually the rest of the Nation.  The Second Amendment right to “keep and bear arms”, without any restrictions is the only true reading and following of our founding fathers intent.

CPAC Convention — Are they really listening? Saturday, Feb 20 2010 


The Present – – – Top Republicans try their hand on stage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, possibly jockeying for position for 2012 presidential runs.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  America is a nation that was born out of the thirst of people to govern themselves .

We have for far too long allowed the Governments at all levels  to usurp power not distinctly bestowed unto them by the people, as set forth in the Constitution.

The Past – – – When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The time has come once again to dissolve the “political bands” that have marred the rights of citizens, ignored the pleas of restraint.  Aided and abetted by Judical Courts who thirst to legislate from the bench, assumed powers beyond the scope and intension of the founders of the United States of America.

This past summer, the People were once again awakened to the spirit of our founders.

We used the people’s power of the first amendment to redress the government’s actions through Town Hall meetings, Telephone call, e-Mail and letter writing campaigns —But the Governmental Branches have not yet yielded to the voice of the people!

  • One party gives us unflattering labels designed to justify their actions and feelings of Elitist! A
  • The other party hastens to celebrate the failure of the first, not realizing they too must submit to the will of the people… to be governed according to the Constitution of the United States.


Beware of false prophets, claiming to be Conservatives, while voting for political excesses.

The Future – – – As elections near, soon it will be time to use the sword of the vote to cast out political bands that have failed to uphold the voice of the people or the Constitution.

I urge the voters to not be swayed by the lip service of the past…Nor the cry of a wasted vote, if one chooses to vote out of one of the two established parties.

For there are only a few ways one can truly waste the power of the vote!

  • To forsake the greatest power of the people in redressing their government by not voting!
  • Continue to vote without a true understanding or ideas, platform or investigation into the person requesting your vote.  The failure to educate one’s self on the issues leaves one vulnerable to the false prophets.  After all the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  • To believe that a vote outside of the two entrenched parties is a wasted vote.  They have had the power in the past, but great strides are being made in establishing a party truly independent of its political bands so that it can return to the ways of our founders.

This does not mean, one should not vote for a Democrat or a Republican if one is casting a vote that has been resolved with facts and not promises.  I only ask that one cast a vote that is not based solely in support of a party affiliation!

A Government of Cowardly, Criminals for far too long! Friday, Feb 19 2010 

Up front I want to state that I do not condone any illegal actions especially one that involves killing innocent people, or is unconstitutional.  I hold the Constitution only second to upholding to GODs commandments.  I do find it very ironical that the Liberal, Socialist leaning government that the U.S. has become can condemn religion on one hand, while instilling Socialist principles of giving to the less fortunate at the expense of those willing to work for what they want.

I do believe that the headline shown on the photo below!  It is nothing more than hype put out by a government that has lost touch with the people they are supposed to be working for!,2933,586581,00.html

Our Government has been full of Cowardly, Criminals for far too long!

Consider how cowardly and criminal the government is when it wrongly jails and criminalize constitutionally protected rights such as the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Criminal is enforcing the unconstitutional laws it has passed with the blessing of a spineless and corrupt Supreme Court.

Mr. Chief Justice, it does not take a law degree to interpret the plain and simple language of the second amendment, or any of the Bill of Rights! 

Mr. Chief Justice, what part of “…shall not be infringed” do you not get?  Of late, the Supreme Court has rightfully ruled that the second amendment rights is a right of the people, but stopped short of reversing the Criminal acts that are still left standing by the Federal, State and local governments.  Going against the plain and simple language of the 2nd Amendment of a citizen to be able to keep and bear arms.

It is also Criminal to institute a redistributive system under the guise of a constitutionally granted right of Congress to raise revenue.

Congress has the constitutional right and duty to raise money to support the operations of the federal government.  That is just as easily understood as the simple language used in the Bill of Rights.   What is “Criminal “are the abuses by Congress with the blessing of the Judicial and Executive Branches of Government.

Where in the Constitution does it say Congress through the strong-arm of the IRS has the power to seize wealth from one group people to give to another group people?  While I do believe it is a Christian value to help those less fortunate, the irony is that according to the same Supreme Court that allows you to seize and redistribute our money, says we can’t have Christian values in government.

I challenge members of all three branches of Government to read and reason where in the Constitution it says the United States Government is…

  1. Able to violate Constitutional Laws and Rights as it deems necessary to fulfill its whims and wants of politicians and not the true need to constitutionally operate the United State Government?
  2. The IRS can seize property, money and imprison citizens who object to having their hard-earned money taken at every turn.  Taxed when we earn it, taxed when we try to save it, taxed when we spend it and worse of all heavily taxed when we die all to redistribute it to those who are not even trying to make a living?
  3. Can tax money earned by citizens of the United States to support non constitutional programs such as giving it away to other countries?  Again this sounds more like doing GODs work and not the Governments work.
  4. Seize money to support programs of the “Arts”, PBS – which is just a propagation arm of the government and liberal organizations, support useless research programs like “why do teens want to have sex”, etc.
  5. T o seize money and imprison the average citizen for failing to pay taxes they feel are unconstitutional, while the Secretary of the Treasury, who is the top dog of the IRS can’t even figure out how to pay his taxes.


I could go on and on but I believe you get the idea.  With the next few elections as with the past three recent special elections, you will see a change that even President Obama will admire.

All three branches need to fear its citizens, but not because we have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, but because we have a right to vote you out of office! 

Abuses by all three branches of government have gone on for too long, but the Tea Party has only just begun in returning power to the people.

By the way Mr. Chief Justice and the rest of the Supreme Court, once we have regained through constitutional means control of the Legislative Branch, we are coming for you as well.  I believe any sixth grade class in America’s failing educational system could still put together a constitutional correct argument to show that the Supreme Court has failed the Constitutional duties it is sworn to uphold.

Mardi Gras 2010 Celebrations shows… Thursday, Feb 18 2010 

It is without a doubt that this was one of the best and most peaceful Mardi Gras’  in recent memory.   

I pass on a special thanks to the Elks of New Orleans’ for having so many floats showing support for out military!   

No matter our belief in the right or wrongness of the wars they fight, we must support our troops and their families as they are fighting to preserve our Freedoms’.  It is Congress and the President who makes and declares war, not the soldiers they send into harms way!   

I believe the Saints and the Who Dat Nation can take credit for it being both “best” & “peaceful”.  It was the first time in many years that I spent  Mardi Gras on Canal St.  The crowds were  a lot more polite, respectful and full of common celebratory jubilation than I can recall in the past.    

One of many Saints themed truck floats


 Although I am a white male who was in a predominately black area of Canal Street, I was met with smiles and kindness at every turn during the Zulu, REX and Elks parades.    

The only exception was a comment and actions I received from a teen or early twenties black male who made it clear he wanted to harass me or worse.  As I attempted to pass him by he made two or three moves to cut me off and stated that I should find another route.     

While I mentally prepared to take physical actions to defend myself, I ask’d him “why on such a beautiful day, when Who Dat’s of all colors, ages, etc were coming together to celebrate Mardi Gras and the success of the New Orleans Saints that he wanted to be a backwards young man filled with hatred?”   

He glared at me at first as if ready to attack, then quickly looked down in shame.  While keeping an eye on him and his friends for any hostile actions, I continued my comments…”don’t yall’ realise that as long we continue to use race as a tool of hatred it will keep the divide in our city!”    The young man looked up,  giving me a look that showed he was genuinely sorry, then said that he had a bad encounter earlier with another white person who set his anger in motion.  

 I said I was not going to apologise for actions of someone I did not even know, but was sorry that he let that person ruin his day.   

At that point we then began a conversation instead of a confrontation.  I told him that only recently had I figured out that no one can make me act in any way unless I give them that powerI learned to act and not react at situations.   Hopefully in a way that would allow me to please my GOD.   

A work in progress…

What this and other recent events has shown me is that some people have not given into the “real” changes that has taken place in this country.  Changes shown when a white majority voting populace elected its first black president.  An event that only with a significant white vote would a black man to become president.   

More progress…

On the flip side the city of New Orleans black voters had first elected and then re-elected Stacey Head.  Showing that the voting populace is maturing on all sides!     

Racism still exsist…

These two political races I mentioned above doesn’t mean the issues with race as ended.  It does show we all have come a long way into putting the past behind us.    

Prejudices of others in the past should not have to be paid for  

by other people of the present or future.    

Prejudices can’t be stopped on one side, while the other continues it.    

We can not let Politicians, Political Parties or the Media continue to divide us, while they prosper!  

Getting our country back to it’s foundings in which it is clearly stated by the beliefs of out founding fathers…   

“We hold these thruths…that All men are created equal by their creator…”   

I believe that is one of the growing strengths and attraction of the TEA PARTY movement is that we are tired of both parties that are full of career politicians dividing us for their own interest.  That interest, primarily being power and greed.  The median and both parties have done more to keep our country divided and has hurt our republic more than any enemy to date.   An old saying slightly modified comes to mind…  

United We Stand, Divided We Fail!    

New Orleans it is past time for us to be united as citizens who love and live in this unique city of ours for the common good for us all!  Just like we became a United Who Dat Nation in 2009, we can once become united against political greed, corruption and division making.  


                Going to vote with conviction and responsibility for the good of us all?  

WE DAT,  New Orleans Dat, and soon the United Tea Party Nation of Non-Party Affiliated Voters!  

Abolish the two-party political system…make everyone run as an independent!  

No donations by any company, PACs, Group, etc.!  Only individual registered Voters!  

Companies, Political Parties and PACs are not protected by the 1st Amendment…only the People are!  

God Bless and Peace to all!   

Lou Nawlins

Boy Scouts of America Celebrates 100 years of Service! Monday, Feb 15 2010 

In keeping with page 2 theme…  Active Citizenry,I want to recognize the Boy Scouts of America for not only teaching boys values, but teaching their parents and adult volunteers as well.

I was sort of tricked into helping and my only regrets was that I did not take up the offer sooner.  I know I am a better man, person for my involvement which started many years before my son was born.

I would like to invite you to visit

Join Boy Scouts of America as we celebrate 100 years of Scouting adventure and continue our journey into the next century!

Get Involved

Join us in one of these national celebration programs:

Shout out to New Orleans Saints! Monday, Feb 15 2010 

Bless you Boys for finally getting it done!
NFL Champions!!!!

Who Dat Nation took on the NFL and won!
Saints tool on the NFL Teams and won!

Hello world! Monday, Feb 15 2010 

Welcome to my blog!

I hope to keep up a healthy blog on various subjects ranging from A – Z.  Nothing will be off-limits as long as it meets the TOS of wordpress, mine and general common decency rules.  No profanity!, No Personal Attacks! No Bovine Substance!

I plan on starting out with three pages or main themes and will grow from there.

1. Why our military is so important and why we should support our military and our veterans.

2. Why being active in our local, state and federal elections as well as community events is so very important to the future of our country.

* No one party is the blame, no one party is the savior.

*Only an active citizenry will be our savior.

3. The U.S. Constitution – It is as important today as it was at the time our founders wrote it.