It is without a doubt that this was one of the best and most peaceful Mardi Gras’  in recent memory.   

I pass on a special thanks to the Elks of New Orleans’ for having so many floats showing support for out military!   

No matter our belief in the right or wrongness of the wars they fight, we must support our troops and their families as they are fighting to preserve our Freedoms’.  It is Congress and the President who makes and declares war, not the soldiers they send into harms way!   

I believe the Saints and the Who Dat Nation can take credit for it being both “best” & “peaceful”.  It was the first time in many years that I spent  Mardi Gras on Canal St.  The crowds were  a lot more polite, respectful and full of common celebratory jubilation than I can recall in the past.    

One of many Saints themed truck floats


 Although I am a white male who was in a predominately black area of Canal Street, I was met with smiles and kindness at every turn during the Zulu, REX and Elks parades.    

The only exception was a comment and actions I received from a teen or early twenties black male who made it clear he wanted to harass me or worse.  As I attempted to pass him by he made two or three moves to cut me off and stated that I should find another route.     

While I mentally prepared to take physical actions to defend myself, I ask’d him “why on such a beautiful day, when Who Dat’s of all colors, ages, etc were coming together to celebrate Mardi Gras and the success of the New Orleans Saints that he wanted to be a backwards young man filled with hatred?”   

He glared at me at first as if ready to attack, then quickly looked down in shame.  While keeping an eye on him and his friends for any hostile actions, I continued my comments…”don’t yall’ realise that as long we continue to use race as a tool of hatred it will keep the divide in our city!”    The young man looked up,  giving me a look that showed he was genuinely sorry, then said that he had a bad encounter earlier with another white person who set his anger in motion.  

 I said I was not going to apologise for actions of someone I did not even know, but was sorry that he let that person ruin his day.   

At that point we then began a conversation instead of a confrontation.  I told him that only recently had I figured out that no one can make me act in any way unless I give them that powerI learned to act and not react at situations.   Hopefully in a way that would allow me to please my GOD.   

A work in progress…

What this and other recent events has shown me is that some people have not given into the “real” changes that has taken place in this country.  Changes shown when a white majority voting populace elected its first black president.  An event that only with a significant white vote would a black man to become president.   

More progress…

On the flip side the city of New Orleans black voters had first elected and then re-elected Stacey Head.  Showing that the voting populace is maturing on all sides!     

Racism still exsist…

These two political races I mentioned above doesn’t mean the issues with race as ended.  It does show we all have come a long way into putting the past behind us.    

Prejudices of others in the past should not have to be paid for  

by other people of the present or future.    

Prejudices can’t be stopped on one side, while the other continues it.    

We can not let Politicians, Political Parties or the Media continue to divide us, while they prosper!  

Getting our country back to it’s foundings in which it is clearly stated by the beliefs of out founding fathers…   

“We hold these thruths…that All men are created equal by their creator…”   

I believe that is one of the growing strengths and attraction of the TEA PARTY movement is that we are tired of both parties that are full of career politicians dividing us for their own interest.  That interest, primarily being power and greed.  The median and both parties have done more to keep our country divided and has hurt our republic more than any enemy to date.   An old saying slightly modified comes to mind…  

United We Stand, Divided We Fail!    

New Orleans it is past time for us to be united as citizens who love and live in this unique city of ours for the common good for us all!  Just like we became a United Who Dat Nation in 2009, we can once become united against political greed, corruption and division making.  


                Going to vote with conviction and responsibility for the good of us all?  

WE DAT,  New Orleans Dat, and soon the United Tea Party Nation of Non-Party Affiliated Voters!  

Abolish the two-party political system…make everyone run as an independent!  

No donations by any company, PACs, Group, etc.!  Only individual registered Voters!  

Companies, Political Parties and PACs are not protected by the 1st Amendment…only the People are!  

God Bless and Peace to all!   

Lou Nawlins