Honorable Sen. Cao,

I know you support a large population of constituents who would benefit from a Health Care bill but I urge you to tread with caution.  This Bill if not scrapped and started from scratch will in no way meet the real needs of the un-insured or under insured.

I am currently un-insured myself and am strongly against it, as it does nothing to promote the American way of life as intended by our founding fathers.

We first need to correct the issues with the three current Federal Medical Systems that have failed to provide service as promised and has a large portion going to waste and fraud.

                VA Medical System fails thousands of qualified Veterans due to the change requiring veterans to meet low economical standards to qualify.  This is/was a promise of lifetime of health coverage for all honorably discharged veterans.

                Worse yet is that even if one qualifies, one gets substandard care!

                Next up is Medicare & Medicare which more Americans would qualify for if reasonable standards were met, based on not just income, but total situation such as cost of living in a particular area and changes such as loss of income due to disability.

                Most have to fight to get the Social Security Administration to admit that they are disabled.  Then you have to wait two more years before being allowed to even apply for Medicare.

None of the trillion dollar deficit programs have worked in the past, none of the current medical systems work now!   So why do you think this one will be different.

The Democrats appreciate your help, but even Melancon was smart enough not to vote for it and won’t.  Ms Landrieu is counting on her “Louisiana Purchase” to persuade voter to re-elect her.

Bad decision, as Tea Party Membership in Louisiana is growing fast and her type of politics is a thing of the past.  We want what’s right for the country, and our state, not just how much pork one can bring back.  Over paying taxes, i.e. paying for a pie and getting a piece is so yesteryear.