Freedom is kept or lost, one battle at a time Saturday, Nov 23 2013 

The battle may be large or small but when it comes to keeping, maintaining or gaining freedom no battle should be dismissed.

Two years ago when my son entered high school he brought home a piece of paper detailing Riverdale High School’s “Dress Code”.  It immediately raised a red flag when I read that only a single brand of pants would be considered acceptable.

After having verified with the school that it was not a typo and was in fact correct that only the Dickie brand would be considered as acceptable and voicing my concern to the administrator who answered my call about the over stepping of authority to set policy I then proceeded to email and call my local school board representative, Patrick Tovrea.

Mr. Rivera was quick to respond and called me as a result of either the voicemail I’d left or the email I’d sent.  He heard my concerns and seemed to agree with them and said he would investigate further.

A short time later I received a call from Ms Carpenter who identified herself as Riverdale High School’s Principal.  After giving me a lecture on why a “uniformed” dress code was needed and that she had written the dress code personally (her words), she wanted to know what I was objecting to.

After first explaining that I successfully went to public schools and received a decent education without the need for a “uniformed” dress code, that I had no objection to the uniform requirement itself, but did believe that mandating a particular and a singular brand of pants was unconstitutional as being overly restrictive.

We went back and forth about it but she eventually agreed that as long as the pants were the correct shade of khakis, she would have no problem with whatever brand my son wore.

Shortly after that call, Mr Rivera called back to confirm my concerns were taken care of.  I said as long as she does not try to enforce the Dickie brand policy as we agreed, I was satisfied.

Two years later without any issues, my son tells me “the Disciplinary person came into his class and told him his pants were not of the correct brand allowed by the dress code”.  However that was all she said.  No actions were taken at that time.  I told him that if anything came of it I would handle it. 

Yesterday, the Disciplinarian notified him that he was to attend a lunchtime detention.  I instructed him to disregard and if told anything further to respectfully tell them to call me that he was following my request.

I emailed ‘s Carpenter requesting in writing an exception to (her) Riverdale High School’s Dress Code as per the Jefferson Parrish School Board Policy.

Waiting for a response.

At last check the website was updated between two years ago and now to show “preferred” instead of being the only brand. However, seems the Disciplinarian is not away of the “preferred” status change.

Jefferson Parish president sues his online critics to find identy of a Parish Employee under investigation who is suspected behind the comments. Wednesday, May 12 2010 

Photo by TimesPicayune, Caption by BovineSubstance - Wizzard of OZ "Don't look behind the curtain"

As requested by Time Picayune, I have abbreviated their article so not to encroach on their copy write, etc.  No plagiarism was intended; in fact I left it intact to give them full credit.

I thank Time Picayune for their understanding and making their request in a friendly manner.

Jefferson Parish president sues his online critics

By Richard Rainey, The Times-Picayune

May 11, 2010, 8:45PM

Times-Picayune archiveInterim Jefferson Parish President Steve Theriot Citing defamation and “suffered embarrassment” allegedly caused by online comments posted at, Jefferson Parish interim President Steve Theriot has filed a lawsuit requesting the identities behind 11 user accounts on the website.


In addition to Theriot, the parish government is a plaintiff in the suit. Theriot said the parish is paying for it.

Full Story at


Even more information as to the real reason can be found at…


I have gotten confirmation via the below email response that the intent is a “WITCH HUNT” to seek out the name(s) of the suspected individual(s) which is believed to be an employee of Jefferson Parrish.

My Beef is the Parish is paying for a personal vendetta, witch hunt with my taxes.!

Mr. Theriot has not shown in my opinion any proof of the damages he claims to have suffered.  I also believe that his lawsuit using the context of personal injury is falsified in an attempt to get the name or names of the poster, which is an abuse of our Legal System!

Should Mr. Theriot come forward with the proof that he has been damaged via the remarks, I will be happy to support the suit, but I don’t believe that will happen anytime soon.


Councilman Redacted is in a council meeting at this time.  I did get a copy of your email to him and he asked that I reply with the following:

Councilman Redacted does not have all the specifics on the suit.  Mr. Theriot did make comments at the opening of the council meeting this morning.  The suit is specifically targeted at about 12 user names believed to be one person who is a current parish employee under investigation by his administration.

The Council was assured this is not an attempt to silence critics.

Councilman Redacted said he hopes this clarifies the issue for you.  He wouldn’t expect the TP to report accurately on this as they don’t want people to fear posting in forums which he understands and so does everyone else that “this is our right”.



Councilman Redacted Office

“Provide the services, leadership, and vision to

improve the quality of life in Jefferson Parish.”

CPAC Convention — Are they really listening? Saturday, Feb 20 2010 


The Present – – – Top Republicans try their hand on stage at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, possibly jockeying for position for 2012 presidential runs.

Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  America is a nation that was born out of the thirst of people to govern themselves .

We have for far too long allowed the Governments at all levels  to usurp power not distinctly bestowed unto them by the people, as set forth in the Constitution.

The Past – – – When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The time has come once again to dissolve the “political bands” that have marred the rights of citizens, ignored the pleas of restraint.  Aided and abetted by Judical Courts who thirst to legislate from the bench, assumed powers beyond the scope and intension of the founders of the United States of America.

This past summer, the People were once again awakened to the spirit of our founders.

We used the people’s power of the first amendment to redress the government’s actions through Town Hall meetings, Telephone call, e-Mail and letter writing campaigns —But the Governmental Branches have not yet yielded to the voice of the people!

  • One party gives us unflattering labels designed to justify their actions and feelings of Elitist! A
  • The other party hastens to celebrate the failure of the first, not realizing they too must submit to the will of the people… to be governed according to the Constitution of the United States.


Beware of false prophets, claiming to be Conservatives, while voting for political excesses.

The Future – – – As elections near, soon it will be time to use the sword of the vote to cast out political bands that have failed to uphold the voice of the people or the Constitution.

I urge the voters to not be swayed by the lip service of the past…Nor the cry of a wasted vote, if one chooses to vote out of one of the two established parties.

For there are only a few ways one can truly waste the power of the vote!

  • To forsake the greatest power of the people in redressing their government by not voting!
  • Continue to vote without a true understanding or ideas, platform or investigation into the person requesting your vote.  The failure to educate one’s self on the issues leaves one vulnerable to the false prophets.  After all the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
  • To believe that a vote outside of the two entrenched parties is a wasted vote.  They have had the power in the past, but great strides are being made in establishing a party truly independent of its political bands so that it can return to the ways of our founders.

This does not mean, one should not vote for a Democrat or a Republican if one is casting a vote that has been resolved with facts and not promises.  I only ask that one cast a vote that is not based solely in support of a party affiliation!