DSCF0341God’s Word, Faith, Acknowledgment, Baptism, Knowledge
Leads to a Relationship with God through Christ Jesus
That gives Christians Grace, Peace, Salvation, Eternal Life

God’s Word
Biblical Teachings

Old Testament – God is the Alpha and the Omega who created the Heavens and the Earth. God created all living forms on Earth and made man in His own image. We should not have a belief in any other gods. There is only one God, the Great I Am. That the Jewish Nation is the chosen people of God and through God’s covenant with Abraham, they will once again live in eternity with God in the Promise Land. Their fall and triumphs are the result of their people living and pleasing God by their disobedience or obedience to Mosaic Law.

New Testament – There is only one God, although he exist in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Any other is a false god, meant to deceive and bring death and darkness. For only God is the Truth, the Light and the God of Life of the everlasting believers. We believe in the divinity of the Old Testament which teaches us of the Nature of God and his promises or covenants with Abraham and others. But we also believe in the testimony of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That while the Jewish people are the chosen or favored people, that through Christ, Gentiles also have a covenant from God in the form of Grace and will share in the inheritance of Abraham. That Grace comes from Faith, Confession and Baptism into Christ Jesus. Faith in the One and only God. Faith in the virgin birth, righteous life, sacrificial death of and resurrection of Christ Jesus. While signs will no longer be seen by this wicked generation, those who live according to faith, being justified in Grace through Christ have the blinders removed and thus do see the signs of the Living God who is among us Always.

Faith is believing in God’s Word (Bible) over that of Man’s Word (Science)
Faith is believing in God without proof over that of believing in man without proof.
Faith is believing that while written by man, the Bible is Divinely inspired, thus is of God, not of Man.
Faith is believing in God and God’s Word without the need for proof.

The Bible has different translations from one language to another, and from one generations, nations, or peoples style of writing and speaking; It has Unity in its message of One God as the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and all that dwell within it. There are those who only believe in the Old Testament but still the believe in the promise of a Messiah. Those who accept and believe in the addition of the New Testament also have the same believe in the the same Messiah. The only difference is that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ (Messiah) who came as promised and will come again to end doubt, evil and Satan’s reign of deceit. The fulfillment of the promises of eternal life for both those going to Heaven or Hell. Where will you spend eternity?

A Non-Believer, one who is neither a Jew nor Christian can still see the beauty of a morning sunrise or evening sunset, but they do not see the God’s love and promises that it holds. They may see the colors of the Rainbow, but don’t appreciate the covenant it reminds us of.

A Non-Believe, believes in man and man’s knowledge such as Science, instead of God and his power. Thus it is easier for a Non-Believer to comprehend that man evolved from apes, even though apes still exist. No concrete evidence has been found in thousands of years (billions for the Non-Believers) and thus is their Science of theory is their religion of choice. For it is easier for them to have Theories (a belief without proof) that there thinking is correct than in a God’s ability to create everything as described in Genesis. Changes and Discoveries in Science has evolved over time, but the Word of God has remained Steadfast.

From the perspective of the Christian; Both the Old and New Testaments are the divinely inspired word of God, and has not evolved. The Jewish people believe in the same God, but fail to see that Jesus of Nazareth is the true Savior of their own Faith. Thus they still try to live under the Mosaic Law, awaiting for the Savior instead of accepting Jesus as the Christ. Thus the Jewish People live under the Law and Christians live under Grace. Whereas Christians have trusted in Christ since the first fisherman joined him as he began to preach the Gospel of Grace.

So why do we start with Faith in God’s Word? Because God gave us Free Will and even when God dwelt among us, their were many who chose Satan’s deceit in false, dead, wooden, golden or other animate and inanimate or no gods over the True Living God. There were many who saw God’s wonder, but still did not comprehend what they saw. so if seeing was not believing then how much more belief does one have if he can not see what he believes in?

God love for his creations, especially man is evident in the fact that he did not destroy the world because of man’s sinful ways. Instead God saved Noah and his family, then He gave us Grace through Jesus Christ. Grace is forgiveness and a way back to eternal life. God’s Word is Truth. For Faith leads to the understanding and truth of the Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ as our Savior. Acceptance that we need Jesus Christ as our Savior or way back to the Father in Haven starts only with Faith. For man can hear the Word, but will not be able to comprehend or accept it without God first removing the blinders that prevents its comprehension. Faith in God’s Word is the perquisite to being able to hear with understanding. Understanding opens up our Spirit to leads us past blind Faith and into a relationship with God through Christ Jesus.

Faith is First because even when God dwelt among man, their was many who doubted and therefor lived in disobedience. God promised to separated the wheat from the chaff, and through Faith or the lack of He is doing that. For without Faith you will not understand. Without understanding you will not accept Christ as your Savior. Without the Christ as your Savior, you don’t have the Grace of God. Repentance without Grace falls on deaf ears and your offerings are not accepted as with Cain and Able. For only through the Son can your pleas reach the Father.

Christ death was a sacrifice to pay the cost for the sins of man. Sins of the past, sins of the present and sins of the future of all mankind who was either Righteous in God’s eyes, or since Christ’s birth have accepted him as their Savior. Actions have consensuses and sin is an action which consequence is eternal death. Faith is also an action; one that leads to Grace and the overcoming if the penalty of eternal death. Your actions to first hear, then believe in the Grace that God is offering you is called Faith. Without Faith, no other action you do will lead you to God through Jesus Christ into the salvation that comes from God’s Grace.

The above is the Word of God as paraphrased by myself. It is taken from both the Old and the New Testament teachings. Once you have heard the Word of God, you are given the opportunity to have Faith that it is truth. You don’t need to know it verse by verse in the beginning, but you do need to believe it. That is what we refer to initially as FAITH.
God, His Word, the Holy Spirit, His son and our Savior; Jesus Christ, how he was conceived, born, lived, died and resurrected. That only through Jesus Christ can we have a relationship with God is what you must first have Faith in. Yes, I know it is not easy to believe in something you can not comprehend, but that is why it is called FAITH.

Once you have Faith, God will remove the blinders that those without Faith have that prevents them from being able to comprehend God and his Word. That is not my theory, but what His Holy Word, we call the Bible tells us. For those without faith can easily believe that we and all else started our from a Big Bang First arriving as a single cell amoeba, evolving into an Ape, then a Man but can’t comprehend that the Word of God is the Truth. They hold onto evolution but yet we still have Apes who have not evolved.

Let me tell you the only Evolution I believe in is that of the Non Believer becoming a Believer, then accepting and becoming a Saved Christian. They want your Faith in Science in which when you die that is all there is, instead of God’s Word. They will never understand, never comprehend, because they are made blind, deaf and dumb, least they should turn to Christ for their own salvation.

With FAITH, God allows the Holy Spirit which has been within you before your birth to grow stronger in your life. The more you seek Him, the more you live as a Christian, the more powerful the Holy Spirit will be with you to combat the Junk Science of Satan. Because Faith turns to knowledge from learning through study, fellowship, prayers and living a Christian Life. Your Knowledge will in turn lead to a relationship with a Father you know if you seek Him. But I am getting ahead of myself in my testimony here.

In summary, once your Faith grows enough for you to confess your that Jesus Christ is the only way to gaining God’s Grace and Salvation, you move onto the next growth step by accepting Baptism for the washing away of your sins of the past, present and future. The Grace of God is that now God no longer sees your sins but instead sees the purity of Christ Jesus in your Born Again Spirit.